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  1. Equipping the Proper Gear

     Quarrying requires that a miner’s secondary tool be equipped in the off hand. Further, as quarrying can only be engaged in while a miner, a miner’s primary tool must simultaneously be equipped in the main hand.

2. Finding Rocky Outcrops

      Quarrying points are known as rocky outcrops, and are marked on the game screen by a small, flashing light.

3. Chipping Away

      Approaching a rocky outcrop will cause the Quarry option to appear in the Interactions menu. Selecting this will execute a quarrying attempt that will yield items when successful
   *A single successful quarrying attempt will deplete a rocky outcrop point, but will cause another point to appear somewhere nearby. After several attempts in the same vicinity, players will temporarily be unable to quarry there again. When this happens, seek out a new gathering point elsewhere.


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